Monday, May 09, 2005

Vote for EU constitution or risk new Holocaust, says Brussels

Can you believe this woman? Margot Wallstrom, a member of the EU Commission, attributes Nazism to "nationalistic pride and greed" and claims that the EU is the alternative to the Holocaust.

Time and time again Eurosceptics are accused by EU fanatics of overstating their case and being extreme. I can honestly say that I have never known a prominent Eurosceptic say anything as outrageous as this. If the EU Commission can leave her in post after such a blatant piece of scare-mongering sensationalism, it must stand condemned by all reasonable people.

Telegraph | News | Vote for EU constitution or risk new Holocaust, says Brussels


Bill Sticker said...

The bureaucrats are scared. Good. I hope the French EU referendum result gives them plenty to be scared about. Vive le pays real.

Tom Paine said...

You are admirably relaxed about it, Bill. As a Eurosceptic I find it quite offensive to be berated by this idiot in such terms.