Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical

I think it is despicable of Professor Fitzgerald to trash the reputations of dead men by "diagnosing" them with conditions which "explain" beliefs they held which were contrary to his own.

I met Sir Keith Joseph. He was intelligent, articulate and perfectly rational. I was part of a group of students at an NUS conference who defended him when a bunch of leftists tried to push him off a balcony. Presumably as they were full of (highly theoretical) sympathy for their fellow men, Professor Fitzgerald would say that they were normal, whereas Sir Keith - who waved away our concerns for his safety with an airy "Don't be silly, this is England" - was, aparently suffering from "a mental condition".

I did think at the time that Sir Keith under-rated the danger from the student Trots in question. Professor Fitzgerald would no doubt argue he couldn't, as a "aspie" read their feral facial expressions and body language correctly. What tosh!

Yes, he was a serious man. He wanted to talk to intelligent people about serious things. I suppose he may not have been much for aimless "chat" over time-wasting coffee, although he chatted amiably enough to naieve young students interested in his ideas.

He may have been more than averagely direct. Why not? Must everyone be the same? Sir Keith was intense, because he was trying, by the raw force of his intellectual efforts, to rescue a nation on the brink of collapse. The nation was in that position because of the stupidity of lots of "humane" people who liked to chat over coffee about how to take money from decent hard-working people and squander it.

In a society where "4x4" now has a secondary meaning of a woman who has four children by four fathers to maximise her rights to benefits and prospects of gaining child support, one wonders if one really has to suffer from Asperger's Syndrome to agree with the speech that put a lid on Sir Keith's political career. One can question his political judgement on that occasion without having to question his mental condition.

Is everyone with a different political view to Professor Fitzgerald suffering from a mental condition? What a shame the Soviet Union collapsed. They had need of psychiatrists like him.

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical


Anonymous said...

Oh dear this nonsense really winds me up also. I see he also has Enoch Powell down as having Asperger's as well yet Powell went from Private to the youngest Brigader in the British army in 5 years - How would that be possible if he had limited social skills ? Likewise he has Orwell a man with a huge ammount of empathy for other people as one to.

The reason for the vast increase in Aspergers diagnoses is the fact that the symptoms seem to have expanded in recent years. If your child concentrates to much he much have Aspergers yet attention deficit disorder is also a symptom.

Keep up the good work with the blog by the way.

Bishop Hill said...

"Is everyone with a different political view to Professor Fitzgerald suffering from a mental condition? What a shame the Soviet Union collapsed. They had need of psychiatrists like him.

Well, quite. No doubt he would like to section anyone who disagrees with him. What a perverted mind this man must have.