Sunday, April 23, 2006

BBC NEWS | UK | MPs out of touch on crime - Blair

It is difficult to refute the PM's arguments. After all, he has made them true. Liberty is old-fashioned in Britain, having been replaced by a "modern" (i.e. a more recent) approach to civil liberties. Like a Marxist denouncing a liberty-based view of the world as "bourgeois", Blair is simply attaching an insult ("old-fashioned") to the concept. If you don't want to be thought old-fashioned, please submit willingly to imprisonment without trial, double (no doubt soon to be triple) jeopardy, and to having your every personal detail recorded by the State on a central database, the better to track you through your life.

It is New Labour, with its attachment to 19th Century theories long-since disgraced, which is old-fashioned. But calling each other names does not - as the PM perfectly well knows - constitute an argument in any but the most barbaric circles.

BBC NEWS | UK | MPs out of touch on crime - Blair

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